This is one of my favourite shows. Organised by the publishers of the Eurofigurines magazine, it takes place twice a year in March and October. The event is held on the outskirts of the city at Nanterre which is easily accessible by train (RER). Springtime is aways a great time of the year to visit Paris and
we were lucky with the weather. There are still a few good shops to visit for the serious collector. François Beaumont’s La Boites de Soldats is still the pick of the bunch, but there are of course always the flea markets to visit, which still turn up the occasional treasure.
Entry to the show is free for the general public from 8.30am. Those with tables start setting up at around 7.30am. I was helping my good friend Gisbert Freber on this occasion, so was in at the start.
The show is dominated nowadays by plastic rather than lead figures, but with around 100 tables there are many opportunities to find good lead and aluminium, as well as plastic. There were plenty of CBG, Quiralu and Britains, as well as figures and equipment by German and other makers. I am always on the lookout for Britains Paris Office production. As usual, I managed to find a few examples.
The next show will take place on October 13, 2024. For more details or to reserve a table go to https://eurofigurines.com/ category/eurofigurines/ or contact Philippe ALBARET : 06 14 61 16 18 or at [email protected].

Beaumont’s shop – an essential stop for the serious collector.