Organiser Matt Murphy had been having real problems finding a venue for the next West Coaster event. However, we are pleased to report that he has found a solution! Matt has managed to find a splendid new location in a great historic building.
Book the date and put the details in your diaries now:
March 3rd 2024
West Coast Toy Soldier Show
Pasadena Elks Lodge #672
400 W Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91105
Great news for Toy Soldier fans. Following a successful start in a new venue, the annual event in Chicago each September is set to continue for another year.
Mark your calenders for the Chicagoland Toy Soldier Show
Sunday, September 22, 2024
at the Schaumburg Marriott,
50 N. Martingale Rd.,
Schaumburg, IL.
For more details see:
It is also time for another event in Kulmbach – home of zinnfiguren. This biennial event was temporarily disrupted by the pandemic but is now back in its two-yearly cycle, with dates set for Kulmbach Zinnfigurenbörse 2024 9-11th August 2024.
While the main focus of this show is flat figures and models, it also attracts a wide range of other toy soldiers and figures and is probably the premier event in Europe. There is also plenty of beer for those so inclined, the fair taking place in the huge tent set up for the annual beer festival!
For more details see:
https://www.zinnfiguren-klio.de/news/ zinnfigurentage-b%C3%B6rsen/ 2024-kulmbach/