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Readers Messages


The front page of the latest OTS magazine reminded Gisbert Freber of some interesting Paper-Soldiers in his own collection. Gisbert has a liking for Drum Majors, which featured in his article about the Kinkeldey moulds, where he showed two different portrait figures of Drum Majors from 7th Regiment New York State Militia (see page 10 in Vol 48, No. 1).

But back to the front Cover of the last issue, Gisbert reports that he has 4 different paper-soldiers depicting Drum Majors. These are based on drawings c. 1860 – made in France.
“I suppose these are French Uniforms from around 1830-1860. I do not know the painter, but I think he has done more, ..the quality is outstanding. These are not the typical Paper Soldiers where the Black is printed and then watercolored …they are completely hand coloured!”

Peter Richards was intrigued by Joe Walli’s Quiz in the previous issue. He writes:

The “quiz” about Britains’ figures in the last OTSN, especially the question concerning the uniforms of British cavalry regiments straying from the norm, encouraged me to look further.

I was thinking of the 5th Dragoon Guards set (2087) for the 1953 coronation which has green trousers and set 3, also 3 DG, which seems to have always been given blue ones.

In fact green seems to have been approved in the 1920s for this regiment and also figures in many pictures earlier. Britains perhaps missed a trick in not bringing out a changed version of set 3 or perhaps running two slightly different sets concurrently to encourage greater sales!

But the uniform for set 3 appears to have been incorrect for the set’s last 20-odd years. There was then no regiment with red and white helmet plumes and blue trousers.

Gisbert Freber enjoyed the article on Sporting figures in the same issue. He sent in this interesting set of football (soc-cer) players. With two full teams of 11 players plus goal posts and corner flags, this must have had great play value.

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