Feix and Heyde
Gisbert Freber sent in this image of a set he picked up at the Kulmbach show. The box label (in English) states that the set titled “American Infantry Cavalry” was Made in Germany. The figures are similar to those discussed in Will Beierwaltes’ article on Feix. The mounted figures are hollowcast. The marching foot soldiers (which include Pioneers and musicians as well as a flag bearer) are however solid castings. The set is possibly by Heyde for the export market.

Napoleon’s soldiers
Gisbert also sent in further examples from his own collection of “Napoleon’s soldiers” (as featured in the previous issue). While not in great shape, they clearly portray a different regiment.

Rare Britains sets

Another rare item spotted at the September Sandown Show was this set of footballers from the late 1930s. Britains supplied most of the top teams in original boxes with a generic label and printed with the Team name for general retailers. They also provided teams to special order sold direct to the customer. This example is for Leeds United who joined the Football league in 1919. Initially they played in a strip of black and white vertical stripes (like Newcastle United), soon changing to blue and white stripes. In the 1934-1935 season they switched to blue and gold halves. This lasted until the 1948 season when they adopted gold shirts with blue sleeves. In 1955 this changed to blue with gold collars. It was not until the 1960-61 season that they adopted their now famous all white strip apparently in homage to Real Madrid!
This set therefore dates to the late 1940s early 1950s (1948-54). Like most special orders, it was supplied in a trade box (corrugated card) with simple handwritten and stamped labels. A rare find!

In the last issue we reported the discovery of a very rare Britains b-sized set. James Opie states that he has not yet seen Set 85 in its original box. But here it is! The tie cards have been replaced, but apart from that the set is in great shape.
Harry Kemp picked up some interesting items in the recent Eurofigurines show in Paris. Among a number of Britains Paris Office types was this b-size figure. More often found painted in British khaki, this one wears a greenish-grey uniform, with red facings. Harry thinks he may be intended as a Russian. However, he could equally be intended to represent one of the many other Eastern European or Balkan countries involved in the Great War.

At the same show Harry found this unusual Turk, on his knees, possibly surrendering?. His head is removable.
Does any reader recognise the maker?

Rear view of the same

HELP! Can anyone identify this
Sailor, a recent eBay purchase
(60mm hollowcast).

And what about this one?
Possibly by Grange Toys
but hollowcast

And this one? Similar
to T&B but a different
Reconnaisance items spotted in Chicago

see the article by Gisbert Freber in this issue!

Staff officer, but as yet remains unidentified.