For another year the Hotel Parco EUR hosted the EUROMA2023 event, organized by the Alfa Model Club. As usual, this led to an excellent result, with participation by model making competitors (who are the main part) and other participants, including the Commercial Sponsors.
However, it should be noted that, despite the influx of the public and “sellers”, times have changed, and despite the interest shown, regarding toys, there is evidence of the discomfort that the economic and geopolitical situation brings to light; uncertainty is tangible.
The show remains very good for the model makers, especially those engaged in the different categories in competition and for the producers/dealers of all sorts of related models and related equipment. It was a little less exciting for those interested in old toy soldiers. However, this may be about to change (see below the news for next year).
Since I was a modeller before becoming a collector, starting many years ago with the old Hinchliffe 28mm models, I was struck by a small and graceful diorama representing a small group of Guard Cossacks; I hope this photo pleases our readers too.
But let’s now focus our attention on what was available in the Toys sector. Stefano Allorini (SAIMEX company) welcomed visitors with his large stand right at the entrance to the Commercial Sponsors hall.
As always it was very well stocked. It offered a wide range of figures. Worthy of note, I would highlight two South American brands, the first of which, Stefano is a co-founder, while for the second he is the official importer.
The first, named MAGICO ARGENTINA, has in its catalogue colonial groups from the Italian army.

The second brand (named EL TEMPLARIO), in contrast, produces, among others, two series of narrative origin (based on adventure books by Italian writer Emilio Salgari and detective stories such as Sherlock Holmes). These were having good sales success, rewarding creative vivacity and Stefano’s commercial initiative.
For any orders, please follow the SAIMEX website:
Among the interesting surprises of this year’s show, I would mention the Italian production of MILIT MODEL, Luca Cullati’s brand (also on Facebook). This range offers unusual figures relating to Italy in the two World Wars.
Finally, obviously there was no shortage of old toy soldiers on offer, including Britains, CBG, etc.

Here are some examples.

Regarding the next show in 2024, I can announce news that to us collectors of old toys sounds like music to our ears.
In fact, the organizers of the Alfa Model Club have decided, for various reasons, to keep only toy and model soldiers and fantasy model figures in the competition, thus eliminating AFVs, planes, ships, etc.
It is very likely that new categories dedicated to TOYS will be introduced in the competition, as always hoped; the appropriate regulations are therefore being studied.
New display cases will be purchased to set up the display of rare and particularly valuable old toy soldiers, whether it comes to organizing an ad hoc competition, and/or simply to display the out of competition ones, and greater emphasis will also be given to the commercial part.
As always, security services will be ensured from the Friday evening before the official opening of the event.
Everything suggests greater attention to the collecting toys side. Arriba EUROMA2024!